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Pool deck and patio done in Kronos Cemento Cenere PrimaMateria

From the US and Italy, this truly is a wonderful collection of porcelain pavers. Available in many different styles and textures reflecting the natural beauty of Italy, this collection gives you a wide range of choices.


LEEDS Certified, Kronos has been a pioneer of Italian manufacturers in producing porcelain tile for the US market. They are also a leader in sustainability in their manufacturing process with zero-waste production, energy use, and packaging. Kronos USA is member of the U.S Building Council, which promotes companies that are environmentally responsible, profitable and healthy places to work and live.


With many different looks, you are sure to find a paver that will suit your project. Check out each of the different looks being produce by this innovative company.

Pool deck and patio done in Kronos Cemento Cenere

Patio terrace paved with Kronos Nuova Pietra Quartzo in Pietra di Luna

Patio terrace paved with Kronos Nuova Pietra in Pietra di Luna

Sasso - Pietra di Luna porcelain paver dark & Light grey with lots of movement
Solida - Cenere porcelain paver light grey
cemento neve porcelain paver
Cross Cut - Argento porcelain paver dark & light grey with lots of movement
Terroso porcelain paver warm medium rust terracotta
Tavola - Grigio porcelain paver wood plank look medium grey/brown
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